Friday, March 14, 2014

Fun, Fun Friday!

Because I can't resist posting yet another set of pictures from our AWESOME gymnastics adventures...

As we move further into our gymnastics unit, the kids are wowing us with their ability! With each class, they've become more and more comfortable with the equipment, and I've seen a marked improvement in the number of new skills they've been willing to try! And I have loved every minute I've spent climbing, jumping, tumbling and laughing alongside my aides and students.

This week...
 We tucked and rolled like experts...
 Showed our enthusiasm with bright smiles...
  We used our upper body strength on the parallel bars...
Tried our hand at the uneven bars...
And hung around a little...
 We levitated bounced on the trampoline...
 Carefully braved the medium beam and jumped into the foam pit...
 And climbed way up high over the pit...
All in all, it's been a HAPPY FRIDAY!


  1. I love looking at all the pictures you post of your different activities! What a fun day for your students! I wish we had access to something like this, but it's nice to know other kids do. Looking forward to your next installment! :)

  2. Thanks for checking it out! We LOVE this class- are you able to write a grant for something like this?
