Friday, May 2, 2014

Making Connections: We Put the "Fun" in Functional!

I just couldn't help myself on that title. 
Sorry, friends. 

Our class loves a good hands-on activity! Unique Learning's curriculum give us LOTS of great activities accompany each unit and are designed to reinforce the concepts presented in each chapter. This month, we're studying Life Science and recently introduced a chapter exploring how living things are made of cells. The supplemental activities for this unit make functional connections between the concepts presented in each chapter. This morning we spent some time getting to know the different jobs people can have in a school and how these roles allow staff to work together to help others in much the same way that different cells, despite having different roles, work together to help the body function.

Here is one of my students choosing the correct response from a field of two options. She was explaining the role of the school librarian to the class.
 One of the nice extras we added to this lesson involved naming the people in our building in each role. We talked about the ways we have personally interacted with each staff member listed in the activity.
 The kids participated in matching the jobs with their respective descriptions.
 The kids love using the overhead for activities like this!
The peers and my awesome assistants prompted the students perfectly!
 Here's the finished product! It's always nice to see my students make connections between concepts and their daily lives. Note that, according to our group, the role of school teacher appears to help the fewest number of people at school. Ha!
 Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 


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